Head and Neck Screenings
Dr. Martha Dever offers oral cancer screenings during scheduled appointments to new and current patients.
Oral Cancer is not a rare disease and unfortunately it is on the rise. This year, approximately 45,780 will be diagnosed with oral cancer in the United States alone. Due to late stage discovery, one American dies every hour from oral cancer.
Dr. Dever checks for oral cancer at every 6 month visit in the effort to discover oral cancers in their earliest stages. Currently, 63% of oral cancers are found in late stages (stage III, IV), resulting in a 5-year survival rate of less than 50%. Finding these abnormalities in much earlier stages can increase the 5-year survival rate up to 80-90%.
Those interested in receiving an oral cancer screening as part of our complete exam, please contact our office at (513) 777-6444.
Oral DNA Testing
At our office, we also use clinical laboratory services from OralDNA Labs® to ensure we are giving our patients the best oral health information possible. OralDNA Labs® is a specialty diagnostics company designed to provide reliable, definitive and cost effective clinical tests that guide oral health professionals in detecting and prognosing disease at an earlier, more treatable stage. Using this data we are able to customize your care and improve your results by studying your microbiome and improving it through the most effective medication and therapies.